jenna and alex's adventurous yosemite elopement along the merced river and taft point

Adventurous Yosemite Elopement along the Merced River and Taft Point

Jenna and Alex planned an adventurous elopement in Yosemite National Park last summer. They wanted to have a quiet ceremony along the Merced River with views of El Capitan. It was a hot afternoon with partly cloudy skies and minimal crowds. Yosemite started a reservation system last year due to Covid and it was absolutely…

adventurous yosemite national park engagement session at taft point with Naomi Levit

Adventurous Yosemite National Park Engagement Session | California Elopement Photographer

Katie and James met on a hiking trek in Iceland a couple years ago and discovered they lived in the same town in Colorado. Isn’t life funny sometimes? They’re both avid hikers so it seemed fitting they would choose Yosemite for their engagement photos. We hiked through the forest, climbed on boulders, rolled around in…